Is writing a literature review better than writing it by an expert in UK

A literature review can be an effective tool to evaluate literature in an area of research. If written properly, it should include various sources, including academic journals and useful published work by reputable scholars. Before writing a literature review, it is important to identify the parameters and objectives of your research. Also, consider whether you are focusing on quantitative or qualitative studies. You may also want to include an abstract, which can be a helpful tool. Identifying a research gap Identifying a research gap is an important part of writing a literature review. The literature review is the key to evaluating existing studies and creating a future research agenda. Identifying a research gap requires careful consideration. First, you must define your research question. Then, gather data and resources relevant to your topic. The best way to narrow your search is by reviewing data from the past five to ten years. Research gaps are areas where there are not e...