How to make dissertation sections: Guidelines and suggestions

How to make dissertation sections: Guidelines and suggestions

Following are some guidelines and suggestions for the different structure of a dissertation. These sections should include your Table of contents, Figures, tables, and Conclusion. Depending on your topic, you can also include a Supplementary Information section. Once you've written your main body, consider adding an appendix that includes any supplementary data you have collected, such as interview transcripts or survey questions. But arranging your sections in the right order is only the first step. Make sure to leave time for proofreading and editing. Grammatical mistakes will really hurt your dissertation, so do not neglect these vital stages!

Table of contents

The table of contents is an important part of a dissertation. It helps readers navigate the various dissertation sections, and it provides a summary of the main points of each. The table of contents should be kept up-to-date, and any changes in the text should be reflected in the new design. To change the table of contents, you can click the reference tab and choose the 'Update Entire Table' option.

The table of contents must list all the sections of the dissertation, including the references and appendices. Make sure to include major subheadings and align the table of contents entries to the left margin of each page. The table of contents should also contain the titles of the relevant pages in each chapter. If you need to cross-reference, use consistent tabs to align entries. To make it easier for readers to navigate, include chapter titles that correspond to the titles of relevant pages within the chapter.

Figures and tables

Figures and tables are essential components of scholarly writing. They present complex information in a concise manner. Often, visuals reveal patterns and trends in data better than text-only descriptions. As such, they serve as excellent tools for both writers and readers. Unfortunately, designing these elements can be difficult. Here are a few tips for creating a table or figure that effectively conveys its message. In addition, consider including captions and a short explanation of each.

To include captions for figures, you can use the insert caption tool. This tool will automatically add the figure's title and the page number. To create a list, use the same formatting style as the body of your document. List figures and tables after the table of contents. Make sure to label each figure and table with the page number of its corresponding chapter. Lastly, make sure to reference the figure and table correctly.


The conclusion of a dissertation should not include new information that is not already presented in the discussion section. It is not the place to introduce new ideas or critique existing theories. Instead, it should summarize the findings and suggest areas for further research. While a conclusion may include an opinion, it should not be an introduction to new ideas or theories. The conclusion should be short and to the point, relating the work that was done in the main body of the paper.


Following these rules will help ensure that your bibliography follows the proper format for all parts of your dissertation. Regardless of the type of reference you're using, it must follow a consistent format throughout the entire dissertation. If you're using a style manual from your department, follow the guidelines there. If not, check the style manual for your field. Also, be sure to include a caption for each figure. Captions should appear at the bottom of the figure and on the preceding page.


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